Yes, you can install and run .exe files on ForexVPS.
Do I have unrestricted access to the Internet?Yes! Our services provide unrestricted access to Internet.
How can I check the amount of memory in my ForexVPS?1. Click Start.2. Right click on Computer and select Properties. 3. The General tab shows the...
How many MT4 instances can I run in a ForexVPS?There's no a straight forward connection between the number of the terminals and a service plan....
How to auto logon and start applications after Windows restart?1. Click Start, Run, write “control userpasswords2″ and press OK.2. Select your username from the...
How to cancel recurring billing?Open one of web sites to cancel a subscription for automatic recurring payments:PayPal automatic...
How to change the billing period?If you wish to change the billing period, e.g. from a monthly plan to yearly plan, please open a...
How to change the password for ForexVPS?1. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click User Accounts.2. In User Accounts, in...
How to check the latency to a broker?Please send us the IP address of the server of your broker, we shall test and write back to...
How to close Remote Desktop connection to ForexVPS?To disconnect but let applications continue to run on ForexVPS, use “Disconnect Remote Desktop...
How to connect to ForexVPS with Remote Desktop?1. If you have Windows 8, 8.1 or 10 on your computer: There are 3 ways to start Remote Desktop...
How to create a recurring payment?Click on "Subscribe" for PayPal or "Create Automated Recurring Subscription" for 2CheckOut to...
How to enable the sound on VPS?Please open a new support ticket so we shall enable the sound on server side.1. After our answer...
How to improve the connection speed?1. Open the Remote Desktop Client. On Windows 7, simply hit the Windows key, start typing remote...
How to request cancellation?You could request service cancellation anytime you would like to.Please request a service...
How to restart ForexVPS?To restart Windows use “Restart Windows” on the vps desktop. Alternative click Start and click...
How to transfer files between my computer and ForexVPS?If you have Windows:In order to transfer files from your desktop or mobile computer to ForexVPS...
How to upgrade my current service?You can upgrade anytime you would like. Please order upgrade to your new plan from Services menu...
How to verify the current memory and CPU usage?Open Task Manager by clicking Start\Run.In the Run box type "taskmgr", then click OK.Click on...
I cannot connect to my VPS.The reason for access problem can be at many points between your home location and VPS. For...
Is my account Windows administrator?Yes, your account is Windows administrator with full rights.
May I run torrents, mass email, file sharing software, game servers, etc?You may not operate any file sharing, mass mail or IRC (Internet Relay Chat) software in any...
What are the Forex market hours of operation?Please check this site for Forex Time Zone Converter:...
What to do if I need support?For any support needs, please logon and open a ticket at...
What virtualization technology you are using?We are using ESXi hypervisor by VMware.
Where to find the login details for my ForexVPS ?You will receive email with subject "LinkUpHost ForexVPS welcome email" and login details as well...
How to use the correct vps username with RDP on Windows local computers?Start the Remote Desktop connection on the local Windows computer.Click on "More choices":Click...